Friday, October 30, 2009

Allison, where's the evidence?

What the hell is the problem with Phoenix District Attorney Manuel Davalos? After 5 seasons of Medium, hasn't this guy figured it out yet? Allison Dubois is always right!

Why is he always telling her "so and so has an alibi" or "we have no evidence to back this up" or - my personal favorite - "am I supopsed to arrest this man just because you had a dream?"

 YES! That is exactly what you're supposed to do. I don't care if he's a doctor or a politician or some other upstanding citizen.. If Allison dreamed she saw the man carve a smiley face into a dead body's eyeball, send Scanlon the hell out there and arrest the sonofabitch! You know you're going to do it anyway - or at least the audience does.

It's one of the many predictable elements of this show, along with the plot and the likelihood that we'll see Joe Dubois in his pajamas before the end of the show.Ahh, guilty pleasures...

And how about that Particia Arquette? All grown up and mom-like... has it been so long since your dreams revolved around Freddy Kruger and your fellow juvie asylum teen Dream Warriors?


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